
When deciding on the direction of this project, I decided that Illustration and packaging design were the main elements I really wanted to focus on through this project. Through the various illustrations created for the cards, as well as the package holding them all together. There were other elements I wanted to introduce as well, showing off book formatting as well as product design.



We are all fools in this journey, an experience for
all of us to personalize and hold to our own unique path. With different stages in each life to allow growth, there are infinite possible stories to be told within this deck of tarot. Containing all 78 cards

Art Instructor: Paul Kepple



Before I started working on any of the illustrations to start forming the style of the project, I wanted to form a mood board of many different tarot cards that were previously designed to hone in on the style, as well as picking up rules of what should appear on the tarot cards themselves. Another area I made sure to fully familiarize myself with were the descriptions of the cards themselves, as well as the imagery that represented the cards meaning.

Out of the whole project, my favorite part has to be the creation of each card individually. I had a ton of fun sitting down, creating the thumbnails of each card, then being able to bring them into procreate and refine them. I really am happy with the evolution of the cards from the beginning to the end of the whole product, they went through many different stages that eventually led to a solid style to use throughout the 16 cards created.


Working with cards have always interested me, and having the opportunity to execute illustrating 16 full tarot cards showed me how much more I would like to do stuff within this format, as well as the packaging. For the past year I have been discovering my love for package design, as well as product design. The tarot deck has allowed me to show off my skills in these certain areas of design, as well as my love for the illustration in a great neat package. Around the beginning of the project, I first imagined that I was going to attempt at creating illustrations for all 78 cards, allowing for me to have a full deck of illustrations completed, but I later chose to execute different deliverables instead. Thinking about it now, I would love to go back and finish the rest of the cards. This project was one of the best experiences I have had with design by far, and the most fun too. I would love to do more like this.


9th Circle