
A series of different posters designed all ranging
in vast different types of posters. I was given the opportunity to focus on some very interesting
ideas for the posters, such as one tackling staying
socially distanced while getting back into everyday life during the pandemic.

Art Instructors: Jason Kernevich, Scott Laserow, and Paul Sheriff

The Shining
Romantic Comedy

The shining poster is a design for a romantic comedy spin on the horror movie The Shining, produced by Stanley Kubrick. I worked on this piece in Adobe Illustrator. The elevator scene was always a personal favorite and felt the scene was perfect for the twist.

Art Instructor: Jason Kernevich

Awareness Poster

One project I had the opportunity of working on was a sex trafficking awareness poster. The point of the poster was to bring to light how major of an issue sex trafficking is, especially with the use of date rape drugs during perpetration.

Art Instructor: Paul Sheriff

House of Leaves

At the beginning of the pandemic, I made it a goal to read more science fiction horror books. One of the first recommendations I received was for the book House of Leaves, written by Mark Z. Danielewski. After reading the book I became obsessed with the book, so much so that I decided to create a poster to promote the book!

Art Instructor: Jason Kernevich

Safety Poster

This project was created in graphic design 2001, titled Covid-19 Poster. This poster was created to help convince people focused
on the ages from 18-25 to make sure that
they are abiding these rules and safety measures of correct social distancing. I
chose to focus on the 6 feet apart rule,
using the distance of the cups used for
drinking games to show the correct distance
to stand from others at social occasions.

Art Instructor: Scott Laserow

Safety Poster

This project was created in Senior Illustration in 2023. The posters are all a collection of different musical artists I had been following at the time, and wanted to challenge myself to create posters for each artist and their main albums I was focused on during this class. This project was great for
developing more of my style in illustration while still working with
designing the format of the posters.

Art Instructor: Monica Brodovsky


Skin Disease Day!